Saturday 19 March 2011

I am not 10 feet tall

...and I really wish that the makers of queen sized leggings would realize that too. Just because I'm not "average size", it doesn't mean that I'm as tall as I am wide!

Ok, not that I've got that off of my chest, I can go on and tell you about the day with the Wilde-ones. It started off nice (minus the 10 foot pantyhose mishap), we met up with another twin mom and her super cute boy/girl twins at a local indoor playhouse. It was super packed since me the dumb-ass forgot that it was March break. Every mother who has school aged children plus a younger wee one decided to go to said playhouse. It was fine, as long as you don't mind 7 year old monster children running around and trampling anyone under the age of 4! I mean, I get it, just because you have some older children doesn't mean that your little ones should miss out on the fun of the 0-5years indoor play ground, but seriously people, do you really need to pick a time that your older giant kids are around too? Anyone who knows my children knows that my daughter Shiloh is, well shall we say not a dainty little flower and can hold her own with the best of them, but being plowed over by a 9 year old is not cool! Something to think about.

Sean decided that he needed some quite time at home to get some important phone calls made, and we all know that important calls and two almost 3 years don't mix, so being the awesome wife that I am, I said that I would keep the kids out of the house for as long as possible. Hmm, what to do with two Wilde-beasts. Take them to my old work to visit with my old boss, that will be a nice afternoon, oh, I should mention that I used to work at a pottery store. Uh-huh, I thought that would be a nice idea! So we had a nice visit...for about 5 minutes. Nothing was broken, but I'm sure that I might have earned my first gray hair.
Oh, and don't take almost 3 year old twins through a heavy duty car wash and think that they will enjoy would have thought that aliens were trying to invade the car and capture their mother for medical experiments with the way that they acted.

The Wilde-twins are now in bed...and I need a drink. Maybe 3
Until next time,
Shannon, (the 10 foot wonder)


  1. love it! I try and keep away from the little kid places when I have my big "monster" kids with me. But if I do bring them, I make sure they watch out for the littles, and don't let them go wild.

  2. Yeah, I too thought the car wash would be a fun outing, I mean, what's not to like? Rainbow soap, all that white noise they keep saying babies like. Not so much. Nothing like being stuck in a metal tube with a screaming wee one and no means of escape!
