Saturday 19 March 2011

Living with toddlers

I just read this on another twin momma's blog (Confessions of a Twin Mom), and I thought that it was just to perfect (and so friggen funny) I had to share it!

Why Having A Toddler Is Like Being At A Frat Party

10. There are half-full, brightly-colored plastic cups on the floor in every room. Three are in the bathtub.

9. There's always that one girl, bawling her eyes out in a corner.

8. It's best not to assume that the person closest to you has any control over their digestive function.

7. You sneak off to the bathroom knowing that as soon as you sit down, someone's going to start banging on the door.

6. Probably 80% of the stains on the furniture contain DNA.

5. You've got someone in your face at 3 a.m. looking for a drink.

4. There's definitely going to be a fight.

3. You're not sure whether anything you're doing is right, you just hope it won't get you arrested.

2. There are crumpled-up underpants everywhere.

1. You wake up wondering exactly how and when the person in bed with you got there.

There were also some funny additions in the comment section!  Jewels like:  -At least one person is lying on the floor, either face up or face down, singing at the top of their lungs.  -Your one goal is to get someone in bed and, when you're finally successful, you're so tired all you want to do is go to sleep.  -All around you there is babbling and drooling, and at some point, someone will be drinking from the dog's bowl.  -Every time you turn around someone has taken off another article of clothing.  -There is always someone coming out of the closet wearing a boa and plastic heels.  -Someone is telling jokes that don't make sense and everyone is laughing hysterically anyway.  -You can't understand anything anyone is actually saying so you interpret wild gestures and intensity of screaming.  -If you sit down, chances are that someone will try to sit on your lap.  -There's always that one person who's just begging to be picked up.

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