Tuesday 29 March 2011

What?! WHAT?

Yesterday was the big nut day, and I still can't get over it.....Shiloh and Quinn have no allergies!  That's right, nothing that they were tested for came back postive :)  The doctor decided to test them for all nuts, mold, dust, cat and dog, and other common allergins.  Not one of them even turned red. 
On our way home we stopped off at the grocery store to get some REAL peanut butter.  No more soy-nut butter for this house!  Today I bought nutella.  I gave some to the kids on a toasted english muffin.  They loved it so much that they didn't even bother to eat the english muffin, they just licked and sucked the hazelnutty goodness off.  I have to say, I don't blame them.
Not much else to say today.  I am off to lay down.  I have made myself sick eating nutella.

Over and out from the crazy, Wilde, nut house!!

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